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#064 Not What it Seems (Ghost in the Glass)
I made this one to show a face within a face. The source image of this piece was a stain on our curio cabinet. One day, I was looking at the curio cabinet, and I noticed the smaller face as a smudge on the glass.

I called my wife over, and I asked her if she saw the face on the glass, and she said she did. It turns out, that when she saw the smudge, she only saw the larger face while I only saw the smaller one.

My wife thought it was a ghostly image so that is why we gave it that name.
#065 Antithesis
This piece is a rather large one which is why the edges appear to be cut off. The actual piece contains each of the primary images as complete circles with a slight border.

The title of this one is "Antithesis" meaning exact opposite. If you look closely, one is the exact opposite of the other. I have been asking people which one they thought was male versus female so please e-mail me with your opinion.

Lee Wnuk had an excellent idea. He suggested mounting a clock on each of them, one that goes clock-wise and one that goes counter-clock-wise. He suggested that I put the one that goes backwards on the female one :-) Sorry but I did think that was funny.

#070 Perfect Ten
I call this one "Perfect Ten" for a couple of reasons. The major design elements that look like balls were created by drawing shapes with a common side. First 3 sides, then 4,5,6,7,8,9, and finally 10. Thus the name perfect 10 :-)

A second reason why I named it perfect ten was that I thought I had executed this one flawlessly, but I made an error on it. I would be happy to hear guesses as to what mistake I made on it. Sorry, no prizes can be awarded, but I will provide an answer after a while.

Hint: This one has a feature that you will not find on any other piece. This feature was not intentional but was added to hide the blunder.
#068 Ann Underwood Lighthouse
This piece was made as a retirement present for Ann Underwood. Ann worked with me at Abbott Labs, and had the cube kitty corner and later adjacent to mine.

She chose the lighthouse as one of her favorites from her lighthouse calendar, and I burned it on a blank that was about 2.5ft tall.

This piece is now in Tennessee where Ann has a retirement home.

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Description of Product
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95

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Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95

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Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95